Congratulations to Dr. Tatiana Romashko on successfully defending the PhD thesis!

On the 5th of June 2024 Tatiana Romashko (MA) has had a public examination of her doctoral thesis in Cultural Policy “Development of Contemporary Russian Cultural Policy: From Liberal Decentralisation towards Conservative Hegemony”.

This doctoral project outlines the development of cultural policy in modern Russia in two distinct periods: the post-Soviet era and the period since 2012. Romashko’s dissertation explores the ideological terrain of cultural policy and politics, revealing its crucial role in Putin’s strategy to consolidate his authority by promoting a distinctly Russian ‘common sense’ imbued with conservative values of traditionalism, spiritualism and collectivism. The analysis includes an examination of the discursive and governmental dynamics that shape cultural policy. The insights are drawn from expert discussions, public debates, and the official narratives that underpin policy legislation and institutional formation. This critical approach shows how cultural norms, their use and governance have been strategically aligned with a conservative narrative that emphasises the antagonism between Russia and the West.

Link to the thesis:

Tatiana presenting her finding in the local newspaper:

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