Join us for the two roundtables at ICCPR 2024

What: Two thought-provoking roundtable discussions on the “Cultural heritage destruction and cultural mobilisation” and “Military Aesthetics, Historical Mythology and Patriotic Education”.

When: 19 – 23 August, 2024

Where: University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Who: Dr. Miia Huttunen, Dr. Oleksandra Gaidai, Dr. Elżbieta Olzacka, Dr. Domenico Valenza, Dr. Nadiia Koval, Denys Tereshchenko, Tatiana Romashko

Roundtable 1. (Inter)national Cultural Policy and Warfare: Cultural heritage destruction and cultural mobilisation 

The intersection of cultural policy and armed conflict has recently become a crucial area of study, especially in countries experiencing geopolitical tensions or war. This panel aims to bring together an international group of researchers specialising in cultural policy, focusing on case studies from different countries.

We aim to explore the complex dynamics between cultural policies and wartime contexts, focusing on their perception/articulation at national and international levels e.g., through multilateral cultural heritage treaties and international cultural organisations. The panel seeks to explore the multifaceted role of cultural policies in shaping narratives, identities and public consciousness in times of conflict. At the same time, it pays particular attention to the issue of the destruction of cultural heritage during war. By examining both sides of this problem from different geopolitical contexts, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how cultural policies in democratic and non-democratic regimes contribute to, reflect or respond to the exigencies of war.

Panellists will consider cases of deliberate destruction of cultural heritage during wartime conflicts, both present and past. This will be complemented by a discussion of the cases of cultural mobilisation in both democratic and non-democratic regimes. Specific attention will be paid to delineating trends in terms of the policies pursued by state institutions, as well as the dimensions of grassroots, civic and dispersed activities. The panel will contrast cases of colonialist policies in occupied territories with cases of domestic patriotic mobilisation.

Roundtable 2. Russia’s Cultural Policy: Military Aesthetics, Historical Mythology and Patriotic Education

This panel is a direct continuation of the previous discussion ‘(Inter)national Cultural Politics and Warfare: Cultural Heritage Destruction and Cultural Colonialism’. In this continuum, we aim to focus our examination specifically on the contextual intricacies of Russia’s war in Ukraine. Within this framework, our panel will address the issues at the intersection of cultural diplomacy, identity politics and memory politics. More specifically, our aim is to explore how culture, language education and the arts function as instrumental elements within Russia’s colonialist and imperialist agendas.

Our research uses an analytical lens to investigate the instrumentalisation of arts and culture. This is achieved through an examination of recent cultural policy debates, the discursive practices of cultural diplomacy actors, and the coercive measures implemented in the aftermath of the Russian aggression in February 2022. Geographically, our focus extends to an examination of the Kremlin’s strategies in memory and identity politics within Russia, alongside an exploration of colonialist tactics in the annexed regions of Ukraine and other countries in Russia’s near abroad. Individual papers within this panel will offer in-depth discussions on military aesthetics, historical mythology and patriotic education. These thematic explorations aim to facilitate a nuanced understanding of the role of cultural policies in shaping perceptions, cultivating essentialist narratives, and influencing public consciousness in the real-time context of war. By examining these specific dimensions, our collective endeavour is to contribute scholarly insights that shed light on the complex interplay between cultural politics and warfare in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

We look forward to a stimulating and enlightening discussion! Don’t miss out on these captivating roundtables at the 13th ICCPR Cultural Policies in Democratic and Nondemocratic Regimes in Warsaw!

Website: ICCPR 2024 

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