About us

“Russian World Next Door” is a three year project on the discourses of the Russian political communication and cultural diplomacy in Finland financed by Kone Foundation (Finland)

Who we are

Vera Zvereva

Vera Zvereva is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Vera Zvereva is a member of the editorial board of the journal Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media. She has published on media culture and digital Russian studies. Her research interests deal with cultural and political communication on Russian-speaking Internet. She is the author of books Network Talks: Cultural Communication on the Russian Internet  (University of Bergen, 2012) and Real Life on TV Screen (RSUH, 2012), and the co-editor of the collected volumes Memory, Conflict and New Media: Web Wars in Post-Socialist States (with Ellen Rutten and Julie Fedor) (Routledge, 2013) and From Central to Digital: Television in Russia (with Vlad Strukov) (Voronezh, 2014)

For more information, contacts and recent publications follow this link to Vera’s University page

Who we are

Tatiana Romashko

Tatiana Romashko is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Since 2010, Tatiana had been a senior lecturer at various universities of St. Petersburg, Russia. In 2017-2018, she was teaching in Master Program of Cultural policy at the University of Jyväskylä. Since 2020 Tatiana has contributed to the teaching process at the University of Jyväskylä, Tampere University and Helsinki University. Her research interests encompass Russian politics, cultural policy studies, cross-border cooperation between Finland and Russia, cultural governance and post-structural discourse theory. For the last eight years, Tatiana Romashko was a grantee of the Herzen University in Russia, Committee of High Education and Science in St. Petersburg, the University of Jyväskylä and the Kone Foundation (Koneen Säätiö) in Finland. Her current doctoral research project is devoted to the development of state cultural policy in Putin’s Russia and its contribution to the ‘Russian World’ imaginary.

For more information, contacts and recent publications follow this link to Tatiana’s University page

Who we are

Rasa Žakevičiūtė

Rasa Žakevičiūtė is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

As a sociologist, Rasa is interested in post-Soviet transition, co-creative decision making, visual communication and data visualization. She has been teaching sociology, social theories, research methods, and project management in various universities. Since 2016 her main research and teaching interests are in visual research methods, data presentation and vizualization, and visual communication.

For more information, contacts and recent publications follow this link to Rasa’s University page

Project timeline

2022 March

Initiation of the project

2022 March-September

Shaping project methodology, participating in public lectures, workshops and conferences

2022 September

Project kick-off seminar

2022 October-2023 March

Planning project research, data sources and seeking potential informants

2023 March-October

Analysing literature sources, promoting project, presenting in conferences, finalizing research methodology and list of potential informants

2023 November-December

Conducting interviews

2024 January-February

Transcribing interviews, analysing data, presenting preliminary results


Conducting expert interviews, presenting preliminary research results